Consider Henry Bemis' situation in the Twilight Zone episode "Time Enough at Last." Answer all of the following questions.
1. Explain irony. Give an example of an ironic situation.
2. Imagine that you were in Henry Bemis' situation. What would you have felt and done if you were the last person alive on the planet?
3. What would you do if you had all the time you needed to do whatever you wanted? Why?
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
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1) Ironic means that something totally unexpected happens. An example would be..."The basketball coach would probably pick the best player for the last minute of the game. But out of the blue, he picked the worst possible player on the team!
2)If I were in Henry Bemis' situation, I would've been freaked out. I would of taken myself out with the gun.
3)If had all the time in the world, I would play on my drumset for the rest of my life. I would do this because it's the most entertaining activity for me.
1: Irony is a situation where something unexpected happens; for example, you finally have enough time to watch TV, but the TV stops working.
2: If I was in his place, I would feel miserable and depressed, because there wont be anyone to talk or share things with.
3: I would watch TV or read books, because they are the things that I enjoy most.
1. Irony is usually a sad situation when something happens at the end of a story that you don't expect. For example, Mr. Bemis never had any time to read. After everyone who stopped him from reading was dead, Henry Bemis had all the time in the world to read. The irony is that his glasses broke, so he couldn't read at all.
2. If I was the last person alive on the planet, I'd be miserable from the loneliness. Perhaps I'd eat, read, and sleep for a while, but that would become pretty boring after a while. Maybe I'd go on a 100 mile hike to some place I've never been to before, just to have something to do. Eventually, I think I would just want to die.
3. I don't know what I'd do if I had tons of time. It depends on what my mood is. Maybe I'd just sit down and read a good book, or eat anything I wanted to, or just run around like crazy. It's so hard to imagine unlimited free time that I can't decide...
1.Irony is like once you get something you really want, something bad happens that ruins your chances of doing it. Like with Henry Bemis, he finally gets all the time to read because all the people are dead, then his glasses break so he can't read anymore.
2. I would have been soo scared, but i wouldn't kill myself. I would keep on living and die of old age.
3. I would read, because at home, I never have any time to read unless it's for homework. But i still do it anyways.
1. Irony means that when someone finds that their dream is coming true, something makes it impossible to complete their dream.
Example: You find that you can read as long as you want and then, your glasses break, impeding you from reading the books
2. if i was in Henry Bemis' situation, I would have been so depressed. I would be so LONELY.
I would have tried to find something that would entertain me.
3. I would do anything that I found, ranging from cooking to DIY...I would be really bored so I may as well do something in that time.
1. The ironic situation is when Henry has all time in the world he could ever have to read, at the same time his glasses break.
2. If I were in Henry's situation I would feel really lonley and I would try to find a way to escape from the neighborhood and find a new place to go. I would feel really bored and scared if I were the last person living on the planet.
3. I would spend my time trying to find a way to get out of the place and go to a new area to live away from the ruins.
1. Irony is a contradictory situation when something that happens in the end of the story, and the intention is different for the beginning of the story. An example of irony would be if you were a spy for the CIA and it was your job to protect a ray gun with mysterious powers from the clutches of a evil dictator. But then you caught a cold, and the evil dictator almost makes off with the ray gun but then he accidentally drops it and it breaks. Later you find out that the ray gun cures the common cold.
2. If I were Henry, I would have cried and cried and would have felt really lonely and unhappy. Then I would have taken overdose of prescription drugs and commit suicide. Or at least commit a way of suicide that does not involve pain. There's no point in living if you don't have friends, family or anyone.
3. If I had all the time I needed to do what I want, then I would do what I want. Since I have time for it, then I should just do I want.
1. Irony is when an unbelievably outrageous event occurs. An example of an ironic situation is if a policeman committed a crime.
2. If I was in Henry Bemis' situation, I would have felt pretty much like he did. I would be lonely.
3. If I had all the time I needed to do whatever I wanted, I would probably read, write, play guitar, play soccer, or watch TV. Assuming there are other people around, I would hang out with them.
1. Irony is when an event occurs that is the exact opposite of what you expected to happen. An example of an ironic situation is the story of "The Necklace", about a woman who borrowed a seemingly expensive necklace from a friend, and lost it, working very hard and being frugal to buy another one, only to be told that the necklace was fake in the first place. It is a kind of a biting and sarcastic humor.
2. If I were in Henry Bemis' situation, I would be feeling very sorrowful. I can't imagine being the only person left, with not even a squirrel or something to talk to. I probably would have lived out my days by eating and reading and sleeping.
3. If I had all the time I needed, I would probably bake. Usually my mother only allows me to bake sometimes because she is afraid that I am going to muss up the kitchen. I would like to bake because it is fun and food is always good!
1. Irony is sort of sarcastic in an unfair way. An example is that you finally have enough guts to go do something, but when you do it something bad happens.
2. I would have felt bored and lonely. I wouldn't really do anything because there isn't much you can do and if I did find something I would get bored of it easily. This is one of those situations that you wish you weren't the only one alive. I think that you need other people to be happy. I would rather be with my enemy then be the only one.
3. If I had all the time I needed to do whatever I wanted, it would probably be to design things. I would do this because I like to do that. It's your own creation and you can be proud of it.
1. Irony is a kind of humor in which the event that happens is contrary to what is expected. For example, if you sneaked into your friend's house and then dumped dirt into his/her backpack as revenge for something at school, it would be ironic if you got hit by your friend's car on the walk home.
2. I would have probably just did nothing and eat food. If I had found a gun like Bemis did I might kill myself. If I was really in that situation however, I would probably be too scared of death to kill myself and I would just live out my life in eternal desolation.
3. I would probably play computer and video games because those are things that I never have enough time to do, except maybe in the summer when on some days I play so much that I start to feel sick and dizzy and lose my appetite.
1. irony is a sarcastic like humor that contradicts what one predicts will happen, for example could be, if a person was scared of going on a roller coaster his entire life because he is afraid he may fall off on one of the loops, and he finally gets the courage to go on a roller coaster, and he falls off on a loop, then that is ironic.
2. I would have just do everything that i ever wanted to do, eat all the food that was left, and if it runs out before i die, i would kill other things that may have lived like a cow, or a pig.
3. If i had all the time in the world, i would have nothing to do because once i finish all the things that i wanted to finish in the first place, i would have nothing to do afterwards.
1. Irony is when something coincidental happens. For example, if somebody bought an iPod on a certain day for $500 permanantly with no returns and realizes that on the next day, the same iPod would be on a 75% sale, this would be what people call irony.
Also in one of the episodes of the Twilight Zone, this man isn't able to read at all because his boss and hs wife won't let him. Finally, after the bomb explodes and all people that would bother him was dead, he was able to read and have enough time. However, unfortunately, his glasses break right when he opens up a book to start reading.
2. If I were in Henry Bemis's situation, I feel very lonely and awkward. However, since there are enough food and books to read, I would cook for myself and read the whole day. Also, I would look for a car and visit other places like New York or Florida. There if I find anything interesting, I would stay and live there for a while and move on. So basically, I would be living as a nomad. To get rid of my loneliness, I can find animals around since only the people were dead. If it is possible, I can teach it to talk and do tricks so that I won't feel alone.
3. If I had all all of the time needed, I would first make a list of things to do for a day and the next day. On the list, there would be things like: draw, read, cook, sleep, go on the computer, hang out with friends, and etc. I wouldn't have anything related to studying maybe except reading. I would want to do all the things that I wanted to that I couldn't before because of the amonut of time I had. Just in case, this period of my life would be limited, I would hurry and do all the things that I want to most first and then the next and so on so forth. I would do this because, I would want to enjoy my life at least for a little while so that I wouldn't be in too much stress. It would be a time for me to relax for a while.
1. Irony is like a way to describe a situation that is funny is an obscure way. It is almost like a curse that is set upon the scene at exactly the right moment. In the video, just when Henry got all the time he needed to read and all the books he could have, his glasses break. That is funny in an obsure way. Now, Henry can't read because he broke his glasses and still has all the time he has, with nothing to do, which is ironic.
2. If I was Henry in the video, I would most likely kill myself. I would do that because first, all my friends and my loved ones died, so I have all the time in the world to feel depressed and lonely and wanting to kill myself. Also, I don't have a specific need to do something in my life, because I have fair parents. In Henry's life, his wife and his boss didn't let him read at all, and Henry's lifelong dream, if that's what you call it, was to read from day to night, nonstop. Therefore, if I were the last person on Earth, I would most likely kill myself so I can "join my loved ones."
3. If I had all the time I wanted just to do one thing, it would probably surfing the Web with a set of earphones and a nice tall glass of cold lemon iced tea by my side. To me, I think that the Web is the ultimate source of entertainment because nothing else can hold so much in so little. I could watch videos on YouTube, listen to music, chat on IM, and do so much more than just watching TV or any other activity. But, if I were to spend all my time on the Internet, I would hope that I am not the last person on Earth, because IMing is a major part of my life. I would hope that my friends and my family are alive as well, not like in the video.
1. An ironic situation. Like how when a kid wants something so badly and they'd do anything in the world to get it. But once they do, his mommy says he can't play with it. Finally he gets the toy he wants and he's thinking, how'd this happen? He gets all excited and thought it was too good to be true. When he goes home, his mommy said he can't play with it. He isn't satisfied.
2. If I was in Henry Bemis' situation, I wouldn't like being the only person on the planet. I'd feel lonely, and i'd probably do what he was going to do, shoot himself. Well that is until he saw the library.
3. If I had all the time I needed to have, i'd probably spend my time doing something useful. Like practice sports and read nonstop magazines and watch tv. Well because i'd like to spend my time on things I can enjoy but also get a benefit out of. As for TV, I just love watching television
1. irony is when at last something good happens,and then something bad happens to take that good luck away.
example: thirsty man in the middle of the desert finds a water bottle,only to spill all the water into the desert sand and loosing all the water.
2. If I were in henry bemis's position, I would have been very scared by the fact that I was the only person alive on the planet. If I loved to read as much as Henry Bemis seems to, and if I was never allowed to read, then I would have probably responded the way he did, but would have taken more precautions, since I was planning on being alive for a long time reading those thousands of books. I was obviously not going to get any new glasses, I would have been more careful with the ones I did have.
3. If I had all the time I needed to do whatever I wanted, I would have planned carefully so that I got through everything I wanted to do.
1. Irony is an outcome of events opposite of what they were originally thought or expected to be. If you saved all your money to go to the store that you've always wanted to go to, only to find that the store had closed down because nobody was going there to buy anything, that would considered irony.
2. If I were the last person alive on the planet, I would have felt very unhappy and lonely. Even though the people that had bothered me were gone, the people that I cared about were also gone. Doing things by yourself isn't always fun. Doing things with others is way more fun. The things I could do would be not as fun as they were without other people. For example, I could go swimming, but being the only person in the swimming pool could be depressing.
3.If I had all the time I needed to do whatever I wanted, I would eventually run out of things to do and get bored.
1. Irony is something unexpected, you wouldn't think it would happen.
Example: In Spongebob Squarepants, a painter sailed to the middle of the ocean to paint a scene of the ocean. I takes out his pencil and drops it into the ocean. When Spongebob and Patrick finally shoot it back up, the pencil falls into the painter's boat. He draws one dot and the lead breaks. He has no extra pencils or a pencil sharpener. He is stranded in the middle of the ocean with nothing to do.
2. If I were Henry Bemis, I would feel very lonely. Being the last person alive on the planet may seem fun at times, but when you're finally the last person on the planet, it may seem boring. To me, being the last person on the planet sounds very depressing. You don't have anyone to talk to. I would've been more careful with my glasses.
3. If I had all the time I needed, I would do anything I wanted to do, as long as I wasn't the last person alive on the planet.
1) Irony is something that happens unexpectedly and sometimes funnily, with no predictions whatsoever. For example, say you have a pencil that has the function of a pen in it too. You never use it, and decide that you want to throw it away. Then the next day, you can't find a pen to use for your report and think about the pen/pencil you threw away yesterday. It's ironic because you never would have predicted something like that would happen.
2) If I was the last person alive on the planet, I'd be so excited but bewildered too. It would also be a little boring though, since I would have no one to talk to. I would ask myself a lot of questions, and have no answers. What was I doing here? What happened? Where is everyone? What is my purpose here? However, I would feel special and it would be like a never ending adventure. I would explore everything around me, like the broken houses, mailboxes, demolished libraries, and more. There would be so many things to see!
3) If I could do whatever I wanted all the time, it would be to read and write. They're my favorite activities to do, and I wish I had more time so I could just write about nothing important and read the funniest, most interesting stories. It seems like I only write essays for school these days, and I never have the time to write about what I want, like dragons or fairies. I never have time to read either, and I would love to just sit down in a corner and cuddle up with a blanket and a book. It would be really nice to never worry about the time and just read and write for the rest of my life.
1. It means something sarcastic. And it has the meaning of something opposite. Example: Mr. Bemis can read all he wants now, but his glasses broke.
2. I will feel very sad and lonely, but I will try to find something that can ectertain me.
3. I would probably do my favorite things, like reading and going online to read manga and watch anime. I would also paint and draw.
1.Irony is when things don't always go the way they are supposed to, or what would most make sense to happen in an event. An exapmple of an ironic situation is like, when you have this super smart person, and this other person who's not as smart. You expect the super smart person to succeed in life,and the person who's not as smart not to do so well in life. In an ironic situation, however, the smart person ends up living on the streets, and the other person becomes very sucessful in life.
2. If I were in Henry Bemis' situation, and I was the last person alive on the planet, with nobody else to talk to, I probably go crazy and try to kill myself or something. Of course, if there was a t.v or books or a computer, I could use those, but how long could a person occupy themselves with those items only without going crazy?
3. If I had all the time to do whatever I wanted, I would probably just do it. However, after a couple of weeks or months, I would get really bored, and wish I didn't have all that time.
My answer is...
question one: irony is sort of like sarcasm. one example of irony sutuation is, like if you had a bad day, and somebody need your help and doesn't care whats going around in your life right now &only cares about theirs because they don't know whats going on. so its like you can pretend not think is wrong and later, when you help them with your problem, they will ask you how's your day, &you will lie saying it was fantastic or something, &; thats my example
question two:If i was in Henry Bemis' situation i would probably feel lonely &scared, &i would be a bit happy because i got to do whatever i wanted &i didn't have to listen to anybody, or get yelled at. i would first probably get a pair or more of glasses, but i dont think its possible knowing that everything is distroyed. i would probably do the same, as what he did, becuase there's not anything else to do, &i would probaly do look around for more stores, incase if i get bored.
question three: if i had all the time that i wanted, i would probably do anything that makes me happy or entertained, or i would look around for a store filled with like drawing stuff, games, etc. because if i don't my life would be pretty boring and everybody need excitment once in a while.
1. Irony is when there's an unbelievable event that happened. An example of a situation is when someone was walking and all of a sudden, something a bomb hits them right in the chest, but there still alive.
2. If I was Henry, I would cry because there's no one around me. I would be unhappy and wished I was killed too. If I was the last person on Earth, I would get all the food and water supply I could find. Also find something to entertain myself. I would also explore and find good shelter.
3. I think I would play softball and volleyball all the time because I never have time because of homework and I love vollleyball and softball.
1. Explain irony. Give an example of an ironic situation.
Irony is when something very unexpected happens that might be funny to other people, who "laugh at the irony of it." Irony usually means something good happened, but then something bad happened and you can't do whatever you wanted to. An example might be like no one in your family ever lets you go on the computer, and finally one day your mom and dad are away, and they let you go on until they come back, and suddenly the power goes off.
2. Imagine that you were in Henry Bemis' situation. What would you have felt and done if you were the last person alive on the planet?
I would have probably felt really lonely, but I would have checked for fooood, and then I would probably have checked the computers, if the internet was working, and then if it was I would've buried myself in a computer and either played random games or play wii games or something. Also I would go on world field trips and go pilot everything, except airplanes, I don't like them... Probably cars, or maybe even ships. I think I would have a great time for the first 2 years or so...
3. What would you do if you had all the time you needed to do whatever you wanted? Why?
I would play games all day since I hardly have time to do that, and it seems fun. I would probably also swim from time to time, and chat with my friends 24/7. TV seems good too... Come to think of it, anything electronic, and I could have a hobby of smashing pianos...
-David L.
1.) Irony is, according to is: an outcome of events that is contradictory to what was expected. A person could say,"that's just how I live," and then get run over by a car two seconds later. That would be ironic. Or a piano teacher's daughter who doesn't play piano.
2.) If I was the last person on the planet, I would despair and commit suicide. I would feel alone and afraid, with no purpose in life, I would probably be better off if my dead body was just decaying, and nourishing the dead earth, in hopes, that anothher species greater than humans will rise among the ashes of a desolate wasteland. I would end my pitiful existence by hanging. Then the crows and other scavengers will start to pick at my dead boy, and my remains will be scavenged by ants and what not, and if that doesn't happen, then my decayed remains will be converted into nutrientsby the bacteria, and my dead body would help make the earth more fertile
3.)If I had all the time in the world, I would read magazines (Time, Newsweek, Reader's Digest, Scientific American...etc.) I love reading magazines more than books. They're also very educational, with great pictures, and essays. Too bad most of the time I can only read them on the weekends if I have the time. With magazines, you get a new one every week/month, so it doesn't get boring.
1.) Irony is, according to is: an outcome of events that is contradictory to what was expected. A person could say,"that's just how I live," and then get run over by a car two seconds later. That would be ironic. Or a piano teacher's daughter who doesn't play piano.
2.) If I was the last person on the planet, I would despair and commit suicide. I would feel alone and afraid, with no purpose in life, I would probably be better off if my dead body was just decaying, and nourishing the dead earth, in hopes, that anothher species greater than humans will rise among the ashes of a desolate wasteland. I would end my pitiful existence by hanging. Then the crows and other scavengers will start to pick at my dead boy, and my remains will be scavenged by ants and what not, and if that doesn't happen, then my decayed remains will be converted into nutrientsby the bacteria, and my dead body would help make the earth more fertile
3.)If I had all the time in the world, I would read magazines (Time, Newsweek, Reader's Digest, Scientific American...etc.) I love reading magazines more than books. They're also very educational, with great pictures, and essays. Too bad most of the time I can only read them on the weekends if I have the time. With magazines, you get a new one every week/month, so it doesn't get boring.
1. Irony is when you have a situation that is kind of a sarcastic coincidence. When your in an ironic situation it leaves you thinking, how could this have happened? One example of an ironic situation is, that one day you have no more peanut butter. For the next two days you have been craving peanut butter, but you have absolutly none in the house. The next day your mom goes to costco and buys a whole crate of peanut butter. The first few days, you're happy to have peanut butter, but after a while you start to get sick of it and stop eating it all together.
2. If I were the last person alive on the planet, I would probably start screaming or crying. Because, really if you think about it, it would be so creepy and lonely. I wouldn't have thought that it was a good thing. My first instinct would have been to try and find someone who was alive, even if there was no chance that anyone was. Then I would probably take the situation pretty negatively, because to me the scariest thing that can happen to you is being completely alone, with no friends or even animals.
3. If I could do anything that I wanted to, I would probably run around singing in whatever was left. Then I would teach myself to drive. I won't have to worry about hitting anyone or anything, because it doesn't matter anymore. To pass the time I probably would start reading as many books as I could. Even now I love to read, but I just don't have the time to read as much as I'd like. I would do all of these things to keep myself away from boredom.
1.) ironic is something that's totally unexpected. Something that you didn't see coming. An example is that you finally save up enough money to buy a movie, but when you get to the store they're all out.
2.If I was in his place, I probably would have freaked out. The thought of being the last person on the planet would have driven me crazy. I would be extremely lonely and severely depressed. I don't think that I would have the strength to kill myself, but I would probably consider it.
3.If I had all the time in the world, I'd watch TV, listen to my ipod, or read some books. I never really have time to do those things anymore so it would be nice to finally relax and do something enjoyable.
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