Tuesday, October 9, 2007

on "Time Enough at Last"

Consider Henry Bemis' situation in the Twilight Zone episode "Time Enough at Last." Answer all of the following questions.
1. Explain irony. Give an example of an ironic situation.
2. Imagine that you were in Henry Bemis' situation. What would you have felt and done if you were the last person alive on the planet?
3. What would you do if you had all the time you needed to do whatever you wanted? Why?


Anonymous said...

Irony is like an event when the results are the opposite of what someone would expect. It's kind of hard to explain. For example (and this isn't real), a person might be able to bring other people back to life, but in the end, that person gets killed. The irony is that he could save other people, but he couldn't keep himself from dying.

If I were in Henry Bemis'situation, and I had been the last person alive in the world, I probably would have killed myself. The human race would die out anyway, and it's human nature to want to be with other people. No one likes to be lonely.

If I had all the time I needed to do whatever I wanted, I would spend more time with my family and friends because I'm usually too busy. My family and my friends are really important to me, so I would spend more time with them.

Anonymous said...

1. Irony is when the best thing can happen to you, and the next thing you know the worst possible thing can happen. In the episode, the ironic situation was that after a big bomb had wiped out the whole town, Henry Bemis had all the time to read. That was his dream come true, but the next he knows, his glasses fall and break.
2. If I was that last person on the planet, I would had felt very lonely and have no one else to talk to if i got bored of reading twenty-four seven. I would have killed myself with the gun that I found from the sporting goods store and just shot myself in the head, so I could just put myself to rest and put myself out of misery.
3. If I had all the time in world that I needed, I would pretty much eat, watch T.V., play video games, work out or exercise, and sleep. I would do this so I will not get fat from doing nothing and I something to do after I exercised.

Anonymous said...

1) Irony is like when you do something, but you mean the opposite of what you're doing. An ironic situation would be if it was really stormy outside and you said, "It's a nice day today," even though it wasn't sunny.
2) If I were in Henry Bemis' situation, I would feel miserable for being so selfish and not caring that everyone else was dead, and I would feel mad at my glasses for breaking, because without them I couldn't see anything. Also, I would feel very alone and regretful that when everyone else was alive, I didn't take a chance to get to know them, and stuff like that.
3) If I had all the time I needed to do whatever I wanted, I would probably want to read, or relax and finish a bunch of projects that I had floating around in my head but didn't get a chance to start. I would also want to spend more time with my family and friends.